In "Om icke vedertagna behandlingsmetoder och kravet på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet.", published in Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift 1/2017, Nils-Eric and Lena write, in Swedish, about the limits that existing Swedish rules and regulations set on the use of untested methods in Swedish health care.
Wändi and Baruch, in "Eliciting probabilisitic expectations: Collaborations between psychologists and economists", describe a transdisciplinary project involving psycholgists and economists. This article is published in PNAS, 114(13).
Wändi, Annika, Andrew Parker, JoNell Strough and Janel Hanmer present a new study in "Effects of anti- vs. pro-vaccine narratives on responses by recipients varying in numeracy: A cross-sectional survey-based experiment.", which is forthcoming in Medical Decision Making.