Older news
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Nils-Eric's jubileumsföreläsning
Nils-Erics föreläsning med anledning av universitetets 350-årsjubileum 2017.
Nils-Eric's lecture from the University jubilee year 2017, in Swedish.

VBE i Sveriges radio
VBE-medarbetarna Sten Anttila och Niklas Vareman medverkar i programmet "Risk och tillit" i SRs serie "Människans mått".

VBE in Journal of Risk Research
Together with collaborators Andrea Taylor and Suraje Dessai, Wändi has published work on the public's perception of climate change impacts. This paper will be presented at the 2-yearly conference by the European Association for Decision Making in Haifa, August 20-24.

Baruch elected to National Academy of Sciences
Baruch Fischhoff has been elected to National Academy of Sciences. It is a great honor and we all at the VBE program heartily congratulate him!

Baruch Fischhoff awarded honorary doctorate by Lund University
Congratulations to Baruch on the appointment to honorary doctor by the Faculties of Humanities and Theology in Lund!

VBE in European Journal of Health Law
In "Importing Notions in Health Law: Science and Proven Experience", Lena and Johannes describe how VBE (Science and Proven Experience, i.e.) imports "medical standards into the legal conceptual apparatus" and explore the mechanisms of this kind of "importing notions".
VBE på Bokmässan

Podcast om VBE och skolan
Johannes Persson samtalar med journalist Pernilla Ståhl om workshopen om VBE i skolan som hölls i Lund i oktober 2016.

VBE in Jornal of Clinical Epidemiology
In "Conclusiveness resolves the conflict between quality of evidence and imprecision in GRADE", Sten, Johannes, Niklas and Nils-Eric identify a source of confusion in the GRADE evidence assessment framework.

In "Forest Owners' Response to Climate Change: University Education Trumps Value Profile", Johannes and co-authors conducted a survey of forest owners in Sweden and Germany. The survey shows that the education level rather than the value profile of the forest owners is what influences their climate change risk perception. This result is in opposition to what the Cultural Cognition Thesis implies about the prominence of value profiles in risk perception and the increase in polarization between value profiles for higher educated subjects.

VBE in Läkartidningen
In "Kliniskt bruk av obrukade metoder är juridiskt reglerat", Nils-Eric and Lena show that in the Swedish legal system the "grey area" in which untested clinical methods can be used to treat patients without the need for research clearence is extremely small.

VBE forthcoming in Filosofisk Tidskrift
In "Hur förstå 'och' i 'vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet'?" Johannes, Sten and Nils-Eric analyse how the seeming conjunctive connective in "vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet" functions. Through examples from the history of Swedish medicine a meaning of the "och" is elicited.
VBE in Medical Decision Making
This paper, by the CMU researcher Tamar Krishnamurti (associated with the VBE program) together with Nichole Argo, outlines the creation and evaluation of a more concise, patient-designed informed consent process.

VBE in Journal of Social Ontology
Lena Wahlberg, in her paper "Legal Ontology, Scientific Expertise and the Factual World", analyses the role of scientific information in legal proceedings. Through a comparison between legal and scientific ontologies she explains how controversies between legal and scientific experts arise.

Baruch in Chemical and Engineering News
In C&EN Baruch Fischhoff describes research done over the years, by himself and co-workers Sarah Lichtenstein and Paul Slovic, on risk perception and risk communication. This article has high relevance to anyone interested in VBE.

Tribute to Baruch Fischhoff
A tribute to Baruch Fischhoff, VBE researcher, was held at the annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making in Boston on November 18-21, 2016. Head organizer was Wändi Bruine de Bruin, also a VBE researcher. Click here to see video, photos and presentation slides from the tribute.

VBE in Medical Education
Charlotta Levay has co-authored an article in Medical Education’s 2017 State of the Science issue. It considers discourse analysis in medical education research and argues that claims regarding practices and meaning related to discourse are best supported with observational and ethnographic evidence.

VBE i Filosofiska rummet
I samband med vår konferens om VBE och politik spelades Sveriges radios Filosofiska rummet in. Johan Brännmark från VBE-programmet medverkar.

VBE in Journal of Risk Research
In "Science and proven experience: a Swedish variety of evidence-based medicine and a way to better risk analysis?" Johannes, Niklas, Annika, Lena and Nils-Eric describe the history of VBE and how the concept relates, and differs, from evidence-based medicine.

VBE in Metaphysica
VBE researchers Robin Stenwall, Johannes Persson and Nils-Eric Sahlin has published "A New Challenge for Objective Uncertainties and The Propensity Theorist" in the journal Metaphysica.

Ny pod om VBE och miljön
Niklas Vareman berättar om workshopen om VBE och miljö som hölls i Lund i mars 2017.

VBE meeting in Pittsburgh August 21-22
The VBE group's annual meeting in Pittsburgh, August 21-22 during a solar eclipse. Click here for pictures!