Published material from the VBE group.
The VBE programme is multi-disciplinary. The articles produced within the program consequently address questions regarding science and proven experience from different perspectives.
Björne, P., Deveau, R., McGill, P. and Nylander, L. (2021). The Use of Restrictive Measures in Community Services for People With Intellectual Disabilities in Sweden. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities.
Bruine de Bruin, W.(2021). Covid-19 risk perceptions and reported protective behaviors in the United States, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Brännmark, J. (2021). Evidence-based policymaking under exceptional circumstances, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Dewitt B, Persson J, Wahlberg L, Wallin A (2021). The epistemic roles of clinical expertise: An empirical study of how Swedish healthcare professionals understand proven experience. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252160.
Fischhoff, B., Dewitt, B., Davis, A., Sahlin N.-E. (2021). A secure procedure for early career scientists to report apparent misconduct. Life Sciences, Society, and Policy. Vol. 17, No. 1, 2, 2021.
Fischhoff, B. (2021). Addressing inequities in pandemic policies, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Levay, C., Andersson Bäck, M. (2021). Caring leader identity between power and powerlessness. Sage Publications,
Levay, C. (2021). Counting in the time of Covid-19, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
McCarthy, J., Dewitt, B., McCarthy, M., Dumas, B. (in press.) A Model of Relative Risk to inform Risk-Cost-Benefit Analysis of activities during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. PLOS ONE
Persson, J. (2021). On the relation between experience, personal experience, and proven experience, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2021). Foreword, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Stjernberg, F. (2021). Epistemic vices, critical and zetetic, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Vareman, N. (2021). An attempt to distinguish science and proven experience, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wahlberg, L. (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet – ett rättsligt begrepps innebörd och gränser, in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wallin, A.*, Dewitt, B.* Science and proven experience: Applying evidence or compensating for it? In Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2021). Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - Science and proven experience. Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Basu, A., Philip, E. J., Dewitt, B., Hanmer, J., Chattopadhyay, A., I-SPY 2 Quality of Life Working Committee, I-SPY 2 Investigators, Melisko, M., \& Esserman, L. (2020). The Quality of Life Index (QoLI): A Pilot Study Integrating Treatment Efficacy and Quality of Life in Oncology Clinical Trials. Nature Breast Cancer.
Petra Björne, Roy Deveau & Lena Nylander (2021). Passing laws is not enough to change staff practice: The case of legally mandated “incident” reporting in Sweden, Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, DOI: 10.3109/13668250.2021.1873751
Bruine de Bruin, W., & Ulqinaku, A. (2020). Effect of mortality salience on charitable donations: Evidence from a national sample. Psychology and Aging.
Bruine de Bruin, W., Saw, H.T., & Goldman, D. (2020). Political polarization in US residents’ COVID-19 risk perceptions, policy preferences, and protective behaviors. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.
Bruine de Bruin, W. (2020). Age differences in COVID-19 risk perceptions and mental health: Evidence from a national US survey conducted in March 2020. Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences.
Bruine de Bruin, W., & Bennett, D. (2020). Relationships between initial COVID-19 risk perceptions and protective health behaviors: A national survey. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 59, 157-167.
Bruine de Bruin, W., Galesic, M., Parker, A.M., & Vardavas, R. (2020). The role of social circle perceptions in 'false consensus' about population statistics: Evidence from a national flu survey. Medical Decision Making, 40, 235-241.
Bruine de Bruin, W., Parker, A.M., & Fischhoff, B. (2020). Decision-making competence: More than intelligence? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29, 186-192.
Bruine de Bruin, W., Parker, A.M., & Strough, J. (2020). Age differences in reported social networks and well-being. Psychology and Aging, 35, 159-168.
Brännmark, J (2020). "Oombedda hälsoråd", i VBE hälsoråd, s. 27-35, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Ciancio, A., Kämpfen, F., Kohler, I.V., Bennett, D., & Bruine de Bruin, W., Darling, J., Kapteyn, A., Maurer, J., & Kohler, H.P. (2020). Know Your Epidemic, Know Your Response: Early Perceptions of COVID-19 in the United States. PLOS One, 15, 1-11.
Del Missier, F., Galfano, G., Venerus, E., Ferrara, D., Bruine de Bruin, W., & Penolazzia, B. (2020). Decision-making competence in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 215, 457-459.
Dewitt, B., Jalal, H., & Hanmer, J. (2020). Computing PROPr utility scores for PROMIS⃝R Profile instruments. Value in Health. 23(3): 370-378.
Dewitt, B., Torrance, G. W. (2020). Incorporating mortality in health utility measures. Medical Decision Making. 40(7): 862-872.
Fischhoff, B. (2020). Making behavioral science integral to climate science and action. Behavioural Public Policy.
Fischhoff, B. (2020). Making decisions in a COVID-19 world. JAMA, 323(22). doi:10.1001/jama.2020.10178
Fischhoff, B. (2020). The microbiomes of gut-level decisions. CQ (Critical Quarterly), 62(1), 30--37.
Fischhoff, B., & Broomell, S.B. (2020). Judgment and decision making. Annual Review of Psychology, 71. 331-355. doi: 10.1146/annurev-psych-010419-050747
Funk, P., Vaishnav, P., Dewitt, B., Davis, A., & Fuchs, E. (2020). Individual inconsistency and aggre- gate rationality: Overcoming inconsistencies in expert judgment at the technical frontier. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 155
Galesic, M., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2020). Election polls are more accurate if they ask participants how others will vote. The Conversation. Nov 18.
Harcourt, R., Bruine de Bruin, W., Dessai, S., & Taylor, A. (2020). What adaptation stories are UK newspapers telling? A narrative analysis. Environmental Communications, 14, 1061-1078.
Kause, A., Bruine de Bruin, W., Fung, F., Taylor, A., & Lowe, J. (2020). Visualizations of projected rainfall change in the United Kingdom: An interview study about user perceptions. Sustainability, 12, 1-21.
Levay, C., Jönsson, J., & Huzzard, T. (2020). Quantified control in healthcare work: Suggestions for future research. Financial Accountability & Management.
Okan, Y., Stone, E.R., Parillo, J., Bruine de Bruin, W., & Parker, A.M. (2020). Probability size matters: The effect of foreground-only vs. foreground+background graphs on risk aversion diminishes with larger probabilities. Risk Analysis, 40, 771-788.
Pärnamets, P, Tagesson, A, Wallin, A. (2020). Inconsistencies in repeated refugee status decisions. J Behav Dec Making. 2020; 1– 10.
Sahlin, N-E., Wahlberg, L., Dewitt, B., Persson, J., Wallin, A. (2020). Varför uppfattar tandläkare beprövad erfarenhet som de gör? uppföljning av resultatet från enkätstudien. 2020 sep 17, I : Tandläkartidningen. 112, 9, s. 58-61
Sahlin, NE, Dewitt, B., Persson, J., Wahlberg, L., Wallin, A. (2020). Så uppfattar tandläkare beprövad erfarenhet: några resultat från en enkätstudie. 2020 jul 2, I : Tandläkartidningen. 2020, 7, s. 50-54
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2020). VBE hälsoråd, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2020). "Förord". I VBE hälsoråd, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Stjernberg, F. (2020) "Kost- och hälsorådens tyranni". I VBE hälsoråd, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wahlberg, L., Wallin, A. (2020) "Sommartidsfrågan". I VBE hälsoråd, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wallin, A., Wahlberg, L., Persson, J., Dewitt, B. (2020) "'Science and proven experience': How should the epistemology of medicine inform the regulation of healthcare?". Health Policy, 124(8). DOI:10.1016/j.healthpol.2020.05.005.
Anttila, S., Persson, J., Rosén, M., Vareman, N., Vitols, S., Sahlin, N-E. (2019). "Ruling out risk in medical research", Journal of Risk Research, 22(6). DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2019.1586750.
Björne, P. (2019). "Funktionsnedsättning. Lite vetenskap men har vi beprövad erfarenhet?", VBE socialtjänst, ss. 13-21, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Blennow, K., Persson, E., & Persson, J. (2019). "Are values related to culture, identity, community cohesion and sense of place the values most vulnerable to climate change?" PLoS ONE, 14(1), [e0210426]. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210426.
Bruine de Bruin, W., & Morgan, M.G. (2019). "Reflections on an interdisciplinary collaboration to inform public understanding of climate change, mitigation, and impacts." PNAS April 16, 2019 116 (16) 7676-7683, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dewitt, B., Fischhoff, B., Sahlin, N-E. (2019). "'Moral machine' experiment is no basis for policymaking" Nature, 567(31). doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-00766-x
Drummond, C., & Fischhoff, B. (2019). "Putting on your thinking cap: Evaluation of an intervention to reduce myside bias in evaluation of scientific evidence". Thinking and Reasoning.
Eberhardt, W., Bruine de Bruin, W., & Strough J. (2019). "Age differences in financial decision making: The benefits of more experience and less negative emotions." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 32(1). pp. 79-93. DOI:10.1002/bdm.2097
Fischhoff, B. (2019) Tough calls. How we make decisions in the face of incomplete knowledge and uncertainty. In Scientific American, September 2019, pp. 74-79.
Fischhoff, B., & Barnato, A.E. (2019). "Value Awareness: A Goal for End-of-Life Decision Making." Medical Decision Making Policy and Practice, 4(1).
Harcourt, R., Bruine de Bruin, W., Dessai, S., & Taylor, A. (2019). Investing in a good pair of wellies: How do non-experts interpret the expert terminology of climate change impacts and adaptation? Climatic Change, 155, 257-272.
Kause, A., Bruine de Bruin, W., Millward-Hopkins, J., & Olsson, H. (2019). Public perceptions of how to reduce carbon footprints of consumer food choices. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 1-9.
Lesic, V., Glasgo, B., Azevedo, I.L., Krishnamurti, T., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2019). Comparing consumer perceptions of appliances’ electricity use to appliances’ actual direct-metered consumption. Environmental Research Communications, 1, 1-8.
Okan, Y., Petrova, D., Smith, S.G., Lesic, V., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2019). How do women interpret the NHS information leaflet about cervical cancer screening? Medical Decision Making.
Okan, Y., Smith, S.G., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2019). How is cervical cancer screening information communicated in UK websites? A cross-sectional analysis of content and quantitative presentation formats. British Medical Journal – Open.
Persson, J. (2019). Will science and proven experience converge or diverge? The ontoligical considerations. In Hansson Wahlberg, T. & Stenwall, R. (red.) Maurinian truths: Essays in honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th birthday, MediaTryck Lund, s- 97-106.
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2019). VBE socialtjänst, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2019). Förord, i Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). VBE socialtjänst, s. 9-12, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2019). VBE tandvård, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2019). The ontology of decision making. In Hansson Wahlberg, T. & Stenwall, R. (red.) Maurinian truths: Essays in honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th birthday, MediaTryck Lund, s- 107-114.
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2019). VBE vård, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2019). Förord, i Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). VBE vård, s. 9-12, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Taylor, A.L., Dessai, S., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2019). Public priorities and expectations of climate change impacts in the United Kingdom. Journal of Risk Research, 22, 150-160.
Thorén, H., Persson, J., Vareman, N. (2019). Osäkerhet, tvärvetenskap och klimatförändringarna: en vetenskapsfilosofisk betraktelse av IPCCs osäkerhetsramverk. Filosofisk tidskrift, 3.
Vareman, N. (2019). "Vad är vetenskap och vad är beprövad erfarenhet? Och vad betyder evidensbaserat? Kan tandtråd hjälpa oss (även här)?" VBE tandvård, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wadmann, S., Holm-Petersen, C., & Levay, C. (2019). ‘We don’t like the rules and still we keep seeking new ones’: The vicious circle of quality control in professional organizations. Journal of Professions and Organization, 6(1), 17-32.
Wahlberg, L. (2019) Kommentar till Högsta domstolens avgörande den 18 december 2018 i mål B 5050-17 (NJA 2018 s. 1051), Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift, 21-22, 2019, s. 143-152.
Wahlberg, L., "The metaphysician as legal expert", i Hansson Wahlberg, T. & Stenwall, R. (red.) Maurinian truths: Essays in honour of Anna-Sofia Maurin on her 50th birthday, MediaTryck Lund, s- 73-81.
Wahlberg, L. (2019). "Skäligt straffansvar för medicinsk vård och behandling". Nordisk socialrättslig tidskrift (19-20) 115-135.
Wallin, A. (2019). "Två roller för beprövad erfarenhet inom hälso- och sjukvård". VBE vård, s. 31-40, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Yu, M., Krishnamurti, T., & Fischhoff, B. (2019). "Implementing a new Common Rule requirement for informed consent: A randomized trial on adult asthma patients". in Medical Decision Making Policy and Practice, vol 4, Issue 1. doi: 10.1177/2381468319839315
Abdollahi, S., Davis, A., Miller, J., Feinberg, A. (2018). ”Expert-guided optimization for 3D printing of soft and liquid materials.” PLOS one.13(4): e0194890.
Andersson Bäck, M., & Levay, C. (2018). "Lofty ideals and lowly troubles among nursing home managers." In W. Thomas, A. Hujala, S. Laulainen, & R. McMurray (eds.), The Challenge of Wicked Problems in Health and Social Care. London: Routledge.
Anttila, S., Persson, J., Vareman, N., Sahlin, N-E. (2018). "Challenge of communicating uncertainty in systematic reviews when applying GRADE ratings.", BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, Published online April 12.
Anttila, S. (2018). "A note on randomized controlled trials in evidence-based medicine", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 13-23, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Bruine de Bruin, W. (2018). "Weather experiences and perceptions of climate change", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 25-30, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Bruine de Bruin, W. & Carman, K.G. (2018). Measuring subjective probabilities: The effect of response mode on the use of focal responses, validity, and respondents’ evaluations. Risk Analysis, 38(10). 2128-2143.
Brännmark, J. (2018). “On the Epistemic Legitimacy of Government Paternalism.” Public Health Ethics 11(1): 27-34.
Brännmark, J. (2018). ”Regulating Compensatory Paternalism.” Res Publica. DOI 10.1007/s11158-018-9393-6.
Brännmark, J (2018). Evidensbasering i politiken: två problem och en enkel tumregel, i VBE politik, s. 51-60, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Brännmark, J. (2018). "Evidence-based medicine, clinical guidelines, and the role of patient preferences", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 31-39, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Creutzig, F., Roy, J., Lamb, W.F., Azevedo, I.M.L., Bruine de Bruin, W., Dalkmann, W., Edelenbosch, O.Y., Geels, F.W., Grübler, A., Hepburn, C., Hertwich, E., Khosla, R., Mattauch, L., Minx, J.C., Ramakrishnan, A., Rao, N., Steinberger, J., Tavoni, M., Űrge-Vorsatz, D., Weber, E.U. (2018). "Towards demand-side solutions for mitigating climate change." Nature: Climate Change, 8. 260-263.
Davis, A. (2018). "Integrating expert judgment and statistical prediction: Synthesizing materials with mechanical synthesis", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 41-49, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Dewitt, B. (2018). "VBE and the PhD", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 51-57, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Dewitt, B., Feeny, D., Cella, D., Fischhoff, B., Hays, R., Hess, R., Pilkonis, P., Revicki, D., Roberts, M., Tsevat, J., & Hanmer, J. (2018). "Estimation of a Preference-Based Summary Score for the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System: The PROMIS-Preference (PROPr) Scoring System." Medical Decision Making, 38(6), 683-698. DOI:10.1177/0272989X18776637
Dryden, R., Morgan, M.G., Bostrom, A., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2018). "Public perceptions of how long air pollution and carbon dioxide remain in the atmosphere." Risk Analysis, 38, 525-534.
Fischhoff, B. (2018). "The art of proven experience", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 59-65, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Fischhoff, B. (2018). "Evaluating science communication", PNAS, Nov.
Galesic, M., Bruine de Bruin, W., Dumas, M., Kapteyn, A., Darling, J.E., & Meijer, E. (2018). "Asking about social circles improves election predictions." Nature: Human Behavior, 2, 187-193.
Lesic, V., Bruine de Bruin, W., Davis, M.C., Krishnamurti, T., & Azevedo, I.M.L. (2018). "Consumers’ perceptions of energy use and savings: A literature review." Environmental Research Letters, 13, 1-13.
Levay, C. (2018). "Dimensions of science and proven experience and variants of evidence-based medicine in practice", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 67-76, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Mohan, D., Fischhoff, B., Angus, D., Rosengart, R., Wallace, D., Yealy, D., Farris, C., Chang, C-C., Kerti, S., Barnato, A. (2018). "Serious games may imrprove physician heuristics in trauma triage", PNAS, published ahead of print August 27.
Okan, Y, Stone, E.R., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2018). "Designing graphs that promote both risk understanding and behavior change." Risk Analysis, 38, 929-946.
Parker, A.M., Bruine de Bruin, W., Fischhoff, B., & Weller, J. (2018). "Robustness of decision-making competence: Evidence from two measures and an 11-year longitudinal study." Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 31, 380-391. doi: 10.1002/bdm.2059
Persson, J., Johansson, E., Olsson, L. (2018). "Harnessing local knowledge for scientific knowledge production: challenges and pitfalls within evidence-based sustainability studies" Ecology and Society, 23(4):38.
Persson, J., Anttila, S., Sahlin, N-E. (2018). "Hur förstå 'och' i 'vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet'?" Filosofisk Tidskrift, 39(1).
Persson, J., A. Hornborg, L. Olsson and H. Thorén. (2018). "Toward an alternative dialogue between the social and natural sciences." Ecology and Society 23 (4):14.
Persson, J., Thorén, H., Olsson, L. (2018). "The interdisciplinary decision problem: Popperian optimism and Kuhnian pessimism in forestry." Ecology and Society, 23(3).
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2018). VBE politik, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2018). Förord, i Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). VBE politik, s. 9-17, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (ed.) (2018). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (2018). "It's values that matter", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 77-86, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Stenwall, R., Persson, J., Sahlin, N-E. (2018). "A New Challenge for Objective Uncertainties and The Propensity Theorist", Metaphysica, published online 2018-01-24.
Stenwall, R. (2018). "Some rather rational reflections on the irrationality of reflection", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 87-92, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Vareman, N. (2018). "Rules, norms, evidence and proven experience", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 93-99, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wahlberg, L. (2018). "Helheten och delarna - kan "vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet" alltid reduceras till "vetenskap", "och" och "beprövad erfarenhet"?", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 101-113, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wahlberg, L., Rätten till ersättning för gränsöverskridande vård och kravet på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift (4) 2018, 789-817.
Wallin, A. (2018). "Science, proven experience and good sense", in Sahlin, N-E. (ed.). Science and Proven Experience Johannes, pp. 115-121, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wallin, A., Sahlin, N-E. and Bruine de Bruin, W. (2018). "Incontinence affects more than 200m people worldwide, so why isn't more being done to find a cure?" The Conversation.
Bruine de Bruin, W., Wallin, A., Parker, A.M., Strough, J. & Hanmer, J. (2017). "Effects of anti- vs. pro-vaccine narratives on responses by recipients varying in numeracy: A cross-sectional survey-based experiment." Medical Decision Making, 37, 860-870.
Bruine de Bruin, W., Fischhoff, B. (2017). "Eliciting probabilistic expectations: Collaborations between psychologists and econnomists.", PNAS, 114(13)3297-3304. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1615461114
Brännmark, J. (2017). "Respect for Persons in Bioethics: Towards a Human Rights-Based Account." Human Rights Review 18 (2): 171-187.
Brännmark, J. (2017). "Patients as Rights Holders." Hastings Center Report 47 (4): 32-39.
Canfield, C., Davis, A.L., Fischhoff, B., Forget, A., Pearman, S., & Thomas, J. (2017). Replication: Challenges in using data logs to validate phishing detection ability metrics.
Chin, A., & Bruine de Bruin, W. (2017). "Understanding the formation of consumers’ stock market expectations." Journal of Consumer Affairs, 51, 200-210.
Dewitt, B., Fischhoff, B., Davis, A.L., & Hanmer, J. (2017). "An approach to reconciling competing ethical principles in aggregating heterogeneous health preferences." Medical Decision Making, 37, 647-656.
Drummond, C., & Fischhoff, B. (2017). "Individuals with greater science literacy and education have more polarized beliefs on controversial science topics". PNAS, 114, 9587-9592.
Fischhoff, B. (2017). "Breaking ground for psychological science: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration." American Psychologist, 72(2). 118-125. doi: 10.1037/a0040438
Götherström, C., Hermerén, G., Johansson, M., Sahlin, N-E., Westgren, M. (2017). "Stem cells fetal therapy: is it a reality?", Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Reproductive Medicine, 27(5) May 2017.
Krishnamurti, T., Davis, A.L., Wong-Parodi, G., Fischhoff, B., Sadovsky, Y., & Simhan, H. (2017). "Developing and testing of MyHealthyPregnancy: A behavioral decision research-based tool for assessing and communicating pregnancy risk." JMIR mHealth uHealth, 5(4), e42. DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.7036
Kärreman, D., Levay, C. (2017). "The interplay of text, meaning and practice: methodological considerations on discourse analysis in medical education." Medical Education, 51: 72-80.
Persson, J., Vareman, N., Wallin, A., Wahlberg, L., Sahlin, N-E. (2017). "Science and proven experience: a Swedish variety of evidence-based medicine and a way to better risk analysis?", Journal of Risk Research, published online 06 Dec.
Persson, A. och Persson, J. (2017). "Vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i högre utbildning och skola." i Sahlin, N-E. (red), VBE Skola, ss. 39-48, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Persson, J. (2017). "Är vetenskaplig grund och beprövad erfarenhet i skolan samma sak som vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet i hälso- och sjukvård?" i Sahlin, N-E. (red), VBE Skola, ss. 49-60, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (red), (2017). VBE Skola, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Sahlin, N-E. (red), (2017). VBE Miljö, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Vareman, N. (2017). "VBE i evidensbaserad miljövård." i Sahlin, N-E. (red), VBE Miljö, ss. 43-51, Media-Tryck, Lunds universitet, Lund.
Wahlberg, L., ”Legal Ontology, Scientific Expertise and the Factual World”, Journal of Social Ontology, 3:1.
Wahlberg, L., Persson, J. (2017). "Importing Notions in Health Law: Science and Proven Experience", European Journal of Health Law, 24.
Wahlberg, L., Sahlin, N-E. (2017). "Om icke vedertagna behandlingsmetoder och kravet på vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet." Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift, 2017:1.
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